Important Dates!

Sept. 1st is the deadline for CFFC and Chevron Community Fund Fall grant applications! Visit the Grants page for more information.

Sept. 7th is the Community Foundation Fall Carnival at the Fernstone Retreat. Purchase tickets here! Tickets will not be sold at the door.

Oct. 17th is the Fayette Philanthropy Dinner at the Uniontown Country Club. Sponsorship opportunities are available, and online ticket purchases will be available soon. Learn more about the Fayette Philanthropy participants!

Please contact the CFFC office at 724-437-8600 with any questions.

Fayette Philanthropy Dinner Sponsorship Opportunities

The Fayette Philanthropy Project is a fundraising competition that supports charitable funds held at the CFFC. This year’s participants are supporting a variety of causes that all have an important impact on the Fayette County community and beyond. The competition concludes on September 30th, and the winner will be announced at the Fayette Philanthropy Dinner on October 17th. Learn more about the Fayette Philanthropy Project and this year’s participants!

SPONSORSHIP: Your sponsorship of the Fayette Philanthropy Dinner will help the CFFC continue to assist area non-profits and Fayette County students. Call the CFFC at 724-437-8600 if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration!

DOWNLOAD: 2019 Sponsorship Form

CFFC Awards Grant for CACTC’s Career Cafe

CFFC Awards Grant for CACTC’s Career Cafe

Connellsville Area Career and Technical Center (CACTC) opened the Career Café, a student-run store that sells food items, clothing, and supplies in May 2019. Following CACTC’s mission and vision to prepare every student with academic, technical, and career skills needed to enter the workforce and to pursue continuing education, the Career Café provides unique opportunities to build skills.

The CFFC awarded CACTC a Fall 2018 grant for the Career Café, which is operated by the Building and Trades Program students under the supervision of their teacher, Mr. Bill Guess. The goal is to help improve secondary transition opportunities that will prepare students for life after high school, including post-secondary education or training, employment, and community living.

Dr. Shawna Little, Workforce Development Coordinator, noted the importance of soft skills in the workforce, such as customer service, communication, and conflict resolution. The Career Café provides students with real-world work experience in the popular, and in-demand, industry of retail. Particularly for students with disabilities, these opportunities help develop transferable skills that target goals set in their Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

Before the Career Café opened for business, there were ten students who put their vocational skills to work by organizing the space. They built the counter area and helped transform the classroom, which was brought to life with the Appalachian Creativity Center’s full-room mural. “The students worked as a team, communicated and collaborated effectively, and created a finished project from scratch,” said Dr. Little. To learn more about CACTC, visit their website!