PA Giving Pledge Inspires Charitable Giving in Estate Planning – Leave 5 for PA

PA Giving Pledge

The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) has joined forces with forty (40) other Pennsylvania community foundations to launch the PA Giving Pledge, a statewide campaign to inspire Pennsylvanians to leave at least 5% of their estates to help future generations.

Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Community Foundation Association (PACFA), the newly announced PA Giving Pledge aims to scale Pennsylvania-focused giving with emphasis on generating sustainable financial resources for worthy causes and nonprofits working to address a range of issues in local communities.

“The PA Giving Pledge is a collective effort of PACFA community foundations across the state to improve the quality of life for our families, friends, and neighbors for generations to come. When someone leaves a percentage of their estate to the community foundation, they are leaving a legacy of charitable giving that will have a positive impact for years to come,” said Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director.

The effort aims to tap into 5% of the estimated $418 billion transfer of wealth projected in Pennsylvania by 2030, according to estimates by the Center for Rural Pennsylvania. “If 5% of that $418 billion was endowed through the pledge, it would generate $21 billion to benefit Pennsylvania communities and causes forever,” said Michael L. Batchelor, PACFA President.

transfer of wealth in PA

With the launch of the PA Giving Pledge, donors and professional advisors can now access an interactive website to find their nearest community foundation and to access county-by-county data that highlights the total estimated wealth transfer by 2030. PACFA members will be asking business leaders, professional advisors, and philanthropists in their communities to endorse the program to build further momentum.

Fayette County transfer of wealth

“There’s amazing potential with Fayette County’s estimated wealth transfer of $2.22 billion in the next 10 years. If 5% of that was pledged in estate gifts, it would translate to $5.56 million being available each and every year to support Fayette County nonprofits and causes,” said Couser.

Do you pledge to leave at least 5% of your estate to support future Fayette County generations?
Call our office at 724-437-8600 x1 to learn more about including CFFC in your estate plan.

Ticket Reservations Available for Gala of Giving

Tickets are now available for the Community Foundation of Fayette County’s (CFFC) Gala of Giving ~ Catalyst for Change. This year’s event is set for Saturday, March 29 at Seven Springs Mountain Resort, with Fairchance Construction Company as the Presenting Sponsor. The formal event features a cocktail hour, silent auction, dinner with a brief program and open bar, live auction, live music and dancing, and an after-party.

CFFC hosts the Gala of Giving to raise money for projects that can affect change and growth in Fayette County. Event proceeds have supported two $50,000 Catalyst for Change Grants for collaborative, county-wide projects. The first grant supported Main Street Theatre Company’s inaugural Fayette County high school musical showcase, called ENCORE!, in partnership with the State Theatre Center for the Arts and Fayette County Cultural Trust. The second grant was awarded in fall of 2024 to support the WVU Medicine Uniontown Hospital’s Infant and Child Safety Program. The hospital partners with Head Start of Fayette County to address the transportation needs of new mothers and their children. The Catalyst for Change Grant will provide over 300 convertible car seats and car seat training to new mothers at the recently re-opened Birthing Center.

“This is the fourth year for the Gala of Giving, and we’re incredibly grateful to everyone who has joined in support. The event has been a game-changer for our ability to impact the community through grants,” said Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director.

The foundation is currently accepting Letters of Inquiry for a third Catalyst for Change Grant, up to $75,000. The deadline to submit a proposal through CFFC’s online grant system is March 1, 2025.

“We expect about 350 guests this year. Each of them is helping us raise money for these grant awards, so we’re working hard to plan a fabulous evening for them,” said Angela Braun, DC, Gala of Giving Event Chair.

Tickets can be reserved at Please direct questions to Trish Desvarro, Gala of Giving Event Manager, at or 724-557-0820.

2025-2026 Scholarship Applications

black and green graduation caps

Post-secondary students are encouraged to apply for scholarships at the Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC). The foundation is accepting online applications for forty-eight (48) scholarship opportunities to support local individuals pursuing post-secondary education. The 2025-2026 applications are now available through CFFC’s online scholarship system, which is linked on the Scholarships page at The deadline to apply is May 9, 2025.

Students will complete a “universal” application to determine their eligibility for the scholarship opportunities. A list of matching scholarships will display; each will have additional questions and must be submitted individually.

Scholarship criteria vary for academic achievement, community service, financial need, extracurricular participation, area of study, and school preference. CFFC offers scholarships for graduating high school seniors, current post-secondary students, and adults wishing to continue their education.

“Scholarship funds are one of the many ways that the foundation supports the county through charitable giving. Many of the donors who created these funds are honoring a loved one, supporting an area of study that they are passionate about, or using this as an opportunity to give back to the community,” said Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director.

Last year, the foundation awarded over $207,000 in post-secondary scholarships to ninety-one (91) students. “Your investment in my education inspires me to work harder and to give back to the community in the future,” said Connor Kalich, a 2024-2025 scholarship recipient. Jaylee Moorhead also received a scholarship last year and said, “This scholarship alleviates a lot of my financial burdens and also motivates me on my academic journey.”

For assistance, please contact Celena Valentine, Accountant/Scholarship Coordinator, at 724-437-8600 x2.

Apply for scholarships here!

Partnership with EQT & Landowners for GIVE Fayette County Campaign

EQT has created a GIVE campaign in partnership with the Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) and EQT leaseholders. The GIVE Fayette County campaign fosters the act of philanthropy and lasting impacts for Fayette County communities.

The intent of GIVE Fayette County is to connect EQT landowners with CFFC and maximize the foundation’s grantmaking. The EQT Foundation will contribute $25,000 annually to the GIVE Fayette County campaign, as well as match landowner contributions to the campaign up to $10,000 per lease agreement for the first year of participation. For donations to qualify, they must be more than $100 in aggregate.

“The EQT Foundation is dedicated to supporting communities touched by EQT’s business, and we’re happy to partner with CFFC and landowners to give back in Fayette County,” said Ellen Rossi, EQT Foundation President.

To participate in the GIVE Fayette County campaign, landowners must complete an enrollment form at

Ellen Rossi, EQT Foundation President; Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director; Kaitlyn Magyar, EQT Corporation Community Investment Coordinator

EQT landowners can make a flat donation directly to the GIVE Fayette County campaign or allow EQT to withhold a certain amount or percentage of their monthly royalties to be donated on their behalf to the campaign.

CFFC will use all GIVE Fayette County campaign donations for grantmaking to Fayette County nonprofits, helping to address the ever-changing needs of the community. The contributions will support the foundation’s Building a Stronger Fayette Fund, an endowment for general grantmaking.

“Through the GIVE campaign, landowners’ contributions and EQT Foundation’s match will help make an impact in Fayette County for today, tomorrow, and forever,” explained Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director.

2025 CFFC Board of Directors

Left to right, top to bottom: Edward Balling, Vice Chair; Angela Braun, D.C., Secretary; Terry Burden; Clifford J. Callahan, CPA; Edward Capuzzi, Jr.; Joshua Ellsworth; James R. Foutz, CPA; Ronald Gabriel, Chair; Michael George, Treasurer; Garnet Gordon, Esq.; James E. Higinbotham, Jr., Esq.; David Hughes; William James; Brandon Katzeff; Lawrence J. Kiefer; John LaCarte; Casey Leonard, CPA

Seventeen (17) community members continue to volunteer their service and support as board members of the Community Foundation of Fayette County, a public charity created in 1999 to improve Fayette County through charitable giving.

The 2025 officers are as follows: Ronald Gabriel as Chair, Edward Balling as Vice Chair, Michael George as Treasurer, and Angela Braun, D.C. as Secretary.

Additional directors are as follows: Terry Burden; Clifford J. Callahan, CPA; Edward Capuzzi, Jr.; Joshua Ellsworth; James R. Foutz, CPA; Garnet Gordon, Esq.; James E. Higinbotham, Jr., Esq.; David Hughes; William James; Brandon Katzeff; Lawrence J. Kiefer; John LaCarte; Casey Leonard, CPA.

“The foundation’s mission is to build a stronger Fayette County by inspiring charitable giving, supporting nonprofits, and nurturing positive community impact. Our board members are committed to that mission, and they all help the growth and impact of the foundation,” said Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director.

The board of directors oversees the management and governance of the foundation. They are also crucial in the foundation’s special initiatives like the Gala of Giving, Fayette Gives, and strategic planning.

To learn more about CFFC, browse our website at or contact the office at 724-437-8600.

Announcing Applications for Spring Grant Cycle

The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) is accepting applications for the spring grant cycle. Local nonprofits can apply for six grant opportunities, each with its own criteria. The deadline to apply is March 1, 2025.

Building a Stronger Fayette Fund: supporting projects/programming or nonprofit capacity building. These awards are made with the combined funding from the Building a Stronger Fayette Fund; Fayette County Charities Endowment; Franklin K. and Jean Smith Family Fund; GIVE Fayette County campaign, Levi Komarinski Memorial Fund; Thompson Fund.

Burchinal Family Endowment Fund: supports charities that provide health and medical care for Fayette County residents.

Catalyst for Change Grant: CFFC is looking for a big idea that can affect change and growth in Fayette County. There will be three steps for the selection process: letter of inquiry; full application; presentation to the CFFC board of directors. The project should be a true collaboration between two or more nonprofits, showing a collective effort to address county needs. The project should incorporate county-wide impact, both in the number of people impacted by the project and the geographic reach of the project’s impact. Projects will be viewed favorably if they spark economic growth and anticipate sustainability.

Community Beautification Fund: supports landscape improvements (including but not limited to planting of trees, shrubs, and flowers) for community beautification projects.

Mary and John J. Depcrymski Memorial Fund:  supports organizations that provide transportation for Fayette County senior citizens.

Jack and Diane Hughes Family Fund: supports projects and programs in the areas of community gardens and/or science/environmental education.

Click here to apply through CFFC’s online grant system.

“In 2024, the foundation awarded $22,734 in the spring grant cycle, supporting ten local nonprofits. Those awards were made possible through generous donations to the Building a Stronger Fayette Fund, and through four field of interest funds with specific areas of focus,” said Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director.

Crosskeys Human Services was awarded $3,131 last year to support their meal deliveries to about 200 elderly community members. Their service area of Brownsville and Republic is very rural and widespread, traversing rough roads and unpaved driveways. “Two of our vehicles had to have major work due to the rocky roads that are traveled in the delivery of the meals,” said Sr. James Ann Germuska, Executive Director.

Photo courtesy of DVSSP from their Board Training

Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern PA was also awarded funding last spring. “It becomes problematic when we are trying to enter reporting information or complete time-sensitive tasks, and our outdated computers are running so slow that staff struggle to access the programs they need,” said Megan Hegedus, CEO. Their $2,500 capacity building grant enabled them to update the office computers at their Fayette County Safe House.

CFFC is including the Catalyst for Change Grant letter of inquiry in this year’s spring grant cycle. Money raised from the foundation’s Gala of Giving event has funded two $50,000 Catalyst for Change Grants so far. This year, applicants can request up to $75,000 for a collaborative, county-wide project.

Pictured from left to right: Bonnie Ryan, Karen Merryman, Beth Konick, Dawn Hunchuck-Piccolomini, Renee Couser, Carrie Willetts, Garnet Gordon, Meredith Aumer

“This past fall, we awarded a Catalyst for Change Grant to support new moms at WVU Medicine Uniontown Hospital with car seats and training. In 2023, the first Catalyst for Change Grant was awarded to Main Street Theatre Company’s musical showcase for Fayette County high schools. We’re excited to see more creative, impactful projects for this year’s round of requests,” said Couser.

Applications must be submitted through CFFC’s online grant system, and more information can be found on the grants page at Please direct questions to Rebecca Wardle, Communications & Grantmaking Coordinator, at 724-437-8600 x203.

Applicant Tutorial