ACH Transfers for Grant Awards

Starting in 2023, the Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) is awarding grants electronically through ACH transfers instead of printed checks. This will expedite your grant award process and send the grant directly to your organization’s bank account.

Please note: CFFC will email your organization with instructions if you have an upcoming grant award. Unless directed by CFFC to take next steps, no action is required at this time.

When contacted by CFFC, a representative from your organization will be directed to complete an ACH Transfer Agreement through our online grant system.

We appreciate your cooperation as we transition to this efficient, digital method of awarding grants. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 724-437-8600.

Fayette Gives 2022 Raises $581,589 for Fayette County Charities

Fayette Gives LogoOver 1,000 individuals and businesses donated to Fayette County charities during the third annual Fayette Gives. During this “day of giving”, everyone has the opportunity to be a philanthropist by donating to support local causes. The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) hosts Fayette Gives to help build a stronger Fayette, and is thrilled to distribute a total of $581,589 for Fayette Gives 2022. CFFC hosted a Fayette Gives grand finale event on December 12, 2022 at Fay-Penn Economic Development Council’s Launch Box to celebrate the fundraising success of the participating charities and the generosity of the community.

Eighty-eight charities participated in Fayette Gives this year, fundraising to support their mission and services to Fayette County. Charity profiles, which are still available at, provide details about their various efforts to address community needs.

CFFC began accepting Fayette Gives check donations in September. However, the main focus of Fayette Gives is the online giving day, which was November 10. The public was able to view live results and leaderboards, and online giving was available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fayette Gives day wrapped up with more than $500,000 in donations, in addition to the $74,000 bonus pool.


Fayette Gives has grown each year since its start in 2020. Over the last three years, $1,315,892 has been raised to support Fayette County charities. CFFC is grateful to the community for their generosity and support of this initiative.

“The community foundation invests in Fayette Gives to help local charities beyond our typical grantmaking program. It’s a way to showcase their good work to the entire community and create excitement around giving back,” said Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director. “As charities raise money and build relationships with their supporters, they’re able to strengthen their sustainability,” noted Couser.

Fayette Gives provides a special incentive for charitable giving, because gifts are increased by a prorated percentage of the bonus pool. Thanks to the sponsors who contribute for the bonus pool boost, the public’s generosity is able to make a bigger impact.

CFFC will continue the effort to build a stronger Fayette by hosting Fayette Gives again on November 9, 2023. Charity registration is planned to open in June 2023, and more information can be found year-round at

CFFC thanks the Fayette Gives 2022 sponsors: (Community Sponsors) Charity Fund; Mike Kelly Toyota; The Swimmer Family; (Generosity Sponsors) Charitable Fund of Specialty Conduit and Manufacturing, LLC; COE Distributing; Erie Insurance; (Humanity Sponsors) The Eberly Foundation; First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Greene County; Ford of Uniontown; Montgomery Medical; MountainCreek Property Group; Nemacolin Resort; Neubauer’s Flowers & Market House; Pittsburgh-Fayette Express, Inc; the Uniontown Office of Janney Montgomery Scott; Uniontown Walmart Supercenter.

Fayette Gives 2022 Group Photo


CFFC Awards $35,000+ in Fall Grants

CFFC has awarded $35,302 in fall grants. Awards range from $500 to over $7,000. “These funding opportunities were created by generous donors who want to give back to the community, and we’re happy to support such diverse projects,” said Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director.

To support health and medical care for Fayette County residents, CFFC awarded two grants from the Burchinal Family Endowment Fund. Alternatives.Yes Pregnancy Support Center received a grant for their conversion to a medical model pregnancy center – specifically for a medical exam room and staff training materials. New Haven Hose Company also received a grant, which they will use to purchase two new AEDs. These devices will be utilized for medical service on the bike trail, at the fire department, and at the social hall which serves as Connellsville’s emergency shelter.

The Arthur and Millicent Gabriel Legacy Fund supports the purchase of reusable items to enhance classrooms. Laurel Highlands School District was awarded three grants for autistic support educational and sensory room items, a book vending machine at an elementary school, and STEM activities for elementary media centers. Uniontown Area School District was awarded two grants for cooking supplies in middle and high school family & consumer science classes and graphing calculators for high school algebra classes.

Albert Gallatin Area School District was awarded a grant from the Idea Fund to enhance traditional classroom learning with the purchase of an audio booth for the high school’s AGTV studio. It will be used for all media classes and for the speech and presentation course.

To learn more about grant opportunities and how you can make an impact in our community through philanthropy, contact our office at 724-437-8600.

Fayette Gives Preliminary Results

The Community Foundation of Fayette County hosted the third annual Fayette Gives on Thursday, November 10, 2022. The preliminary total is $575,541, and we thank everyone who helped make this “day of giving” such a success! Your generosity will make an impact for Fayette County charities and the community as a whole. Preliminary results are displayed at, but the summary and leaderboards do not include bonus pool dollars. Stay tuned for final numbers in the coming weeks, and thank you for joining us in building a stronger Fayette!

Over $575,000 Raised


CFFC Receives $15,000 from EQT Foundation

EQT Foundation awarded the Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) a $15,000 grant for the Building a Stronger Fayette Fund. This fund is an endowment to support CFFC’s general grantmaking program in perpetuity. CFFC accepts applications for this fund in the spring grant cycle, evaluating requests from local nonprofits and strategically selecting grant awards.

The Building a Stronger Fayette Fund supports arts and culture; education; community and economic development; health and human services; and other areas of interest. In CFFC’s spring 2022 cycle, grants were awarded for a library program, household and hygiene items, musical productions, a junior firefighter boot camp, a program to provide beds to families, a free community lunch program, software, and a program to support grandparents as caretakers.

CFFC Receives $15,000 from EQT Foundation

Ellen Rossi, EQT Foundation President; Renee Couser, CFFC Executive Director; Kaitlyn Magyar, EQT Corporation Public Relations Intern

EQT Foundation’s $15,000 grant will be added to the fund and will help strengthen CFFC’s general grantmaking program. “Working with local community foundations has been an essential part of our strategy to be engaged corporate citizens in the areas where EQT operates,” said Ellen Rossi, EQT Foundation President. “We are thankful for the partnership we have created through the CFFC’s Building a Stronger Fayette Fund to help nonprofits in the community thrive,” said Rossi.

“CFFC thanks EQT Foundation for their support. This fund has been a focus for our fundraising, since supporting local nonprofits is such a big part of what we do,” said Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director. To raise additional money for the Building a Stronger Fayette Fund, CFFC is participating in Fayette Gives on November 10 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at

2021 Annual Report

The Community Foundation of Fayette County’s 2021 Annual Report is here!

“In 2021, many of us repositioned ourselves as the domino effect of the pandemic continued to change our everyday lives. At the Community Foundaiton of Fayette County (CFFC) we were busy in our efforts to address the ongoing, heightened needs of the community, and we’re happy to share with you how CFFC is building a stronger Fayette.” – J.D. Ewing, CFFC Chair

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