Apply Now for CFFC Fall Grants

The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) is accepting applications for the fall grant cycle starting on August 1, with three funding opportunities for local schools. The Arthur and Millicent Gabriel Legacy Fund, the Idea Fund, and the Patricia and Robert Metz Educational Fund are donor advised funds that provide the donors flexibility and ongoing involvement with how the grants are used to support charitable causes. Each grant application lists criteria for this year’s funding – all to support education.

Applicants will submit grant requests through CFFC’s online grant system. The application deadline is September 30, 2023.

The Arthur and Millicent Gabriel Legacy Fund is accepting grant requests for reusable items that will enhance the classroom(s). Funding will not be made for field trips or items that can only be used once. Any teacher, school counselor, or administrator in the Laurel Highlands School District or Uniontown Area School District is encouraged to apply. Requests from $750 up to $10,000 will be considered. A total of $20,000 is possible to be awarded this grant cycle.

The Idea Fund was created by a donor who is interested in helping teachers achieve a level of creativity in the classroom that allows students of all learning styles to thrive. All school districts in Fayette County are eligible to apply for an Idea Fund grant in the amount of $2,500. Particular attention will be paid to applicants who: demonstrate that the funds will be used to address the needs of students in the classroom who may not be the top grade earners; can show the sustainability of the program; and are willing to go beyond traditional teaching styles to reach students. Funds will not be granted to purchase books, magazines, or field trips.

The Patricia and Robert Metz Educational Fund is accepting grant requests to enhance STEM teaching and learning at the Uniontown Area School District’s middle schools or high school. An award in the amount of $500 is intended to support teacher or student activities or the purchase of classroom materials. Possible uses include, but are not limited to: teacher professional development at the national or regional level, student field trips, demonstration or laboratory equipment, resource books or magazine subscriptions, and software or Internet resource subscriptions.

Click Here to Apply

If you do not already have a login for CFFC’s grant software, you will need to be added as a user to your school district’s grant account. Please contact Rebecca Wardle, Communications & Grantmaking Coordinator, at or 724-437-8600 x203 for assistance.

Fayette Gives Kickoff Meeting for Charities

Fayette Gives LogoCharities that wish to participate in Fayette Gives 2023 are strongly encouraged to attend the Kickoff Meeting on Thursday, August 3rd at Fay-Penn’s FNB Business Event Center. CFFC invites staff members and/or board members to attend and learn about this “day of giving” for Fayette County, PA charities.

Please register online by July 31st.

This meeting will be held in-person, and there will be no option to attend virtually. However, the presentation slides will be shared with all charities that register to participate in Fayette Gives.

Fayette Gives 2023 Kickoff Meeting
Thursday, August 3, 2023
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Fay-Penn Economic Development Council
FNB Business Event Center
1040 Eberly Way, Suite 200
Lemont Furnace, PA 15456

Register for the Kickoff Meeting:

Register for Fayette Gives:

Mark your calendars for this year’s Fayette Gives on Thursday, November 9, 2023 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at!

Ways to Support CFFC this Summer

Happy Summer! The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) is building a stronger Fayette through philanthropy, and we appreciate the support of generous donors who make our mission possible. The Community Foundation of Fayette County helps define charitable needs, connects donors with causes that matter to them, supports nonprofit organizations, and invests charitable assets to make the community a better place to live.

Here are a few ways that YOU can support the foundation. If you have any questions, or would like to learn about other charitable giving options, please contact Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director, at 724-437-8600 x1 or

Fayette Gives 2023 Sponsorship
This year’s Fayette Gives will be held on Thursday, November 9, 2023 at CFFC hosts this “day of giving” to engage the community in philanthropy and support local charities that make an impact in Fayette County. Your sponsorship will help us provide this special fundraising opportunity to the community, in an effort to build a stronger Fayette. Download the 2023 sponsorship form here!

Buliding a Stronger Fayette Fund
The Building a Stronger Fayette Fund is our unrestircted grantmaking endowment. We award grants from this fund to local nonprofits for varoius projects and programs that will support Fayette County and its residents. Your donation will support our grantmaking, to address the ever-changing needs of the community in perpetuity.

Educate Fayette Scholarship Fund
The foundation created the Educate Fayette Scholarship Fund to award scholarships to students pursuing higher education. Donors will be recognized as Silver ($100 – $4,999), Gold ($5,000 – $14,999), and Platinum ($15,000 +) Sponsors. To strengthen the fund in its first year, a generous donor is matching donations. A dollar-for-dollar match will be provided, up to a maximum of $25,000, for contributions to the fund through the end of 2023.

Legacy Gift to CFFC
Including a charitable bequest in your will or estate plan allows you to make a gift to the Community Foundation of Fayette County that will forever leave your mark on the community. Your bequest can be used to establish a special fund that supports broad community needs or focuses on a particular issue or cause that matters to you. Please reach out to Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director, to learn more (724-437-8600 x1).

How to Donate
Our “Donate Now” button at the top of this website now gives you access to our new donation portal! This donation portal is connected to our in-house software, to simplify the donation process and help you select which fund to support. Donors will receive an email with their tax receipt attached after they make an online gift. If you prefer to give by check, please make it payable to CFFC with the name of the fund on the memo line, and mail to CFFC 5 South Mt. Vernon Ave., Uniontown, PA 15401. Please contact the office at 724-437-8600 if you have any questions, and thank you for supporting CFFC.

Donation Portal QR Code
Donation QR Code

CFFC Awards $192,604 in Scholarships to Local Students

The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) congratulates 87 students who were selected for 2023-2024 scholarship awards. $192,604 in awards will be made from 47 scholarship funds, created to support students who are pursuing higher education. Watch the 2023-2024 slideshow.

“These scholarship funds help us invest in the future of Fayette County, by supporting a variety of students in their education and career path. Our committee carefully reviews hundreds of applications to select the best candidates, aiming to meet the goals of the generous donors who created the funds,” said Angela Braun DC, CFFC Board Chair and Scholarship Committee Chair.

Scholarship funds are created in honor or memory of a loved one, to support certain career paths, or to simply give back to the community. CFFC works with donors to determine criteria for each scholarship fund, including qualifications related to academic achievement, community service, financial need, extracurricular participation, area of study, or school preference.

“Our scholarship program is a team effort between staff, board members, community volunteers, donors, and guidance offices. We thank everyone who makes it possible to support students in this way,” said Renee M. Couser, CFFC Executive Director.

Through CFFC’s partnership with the Pennsylvania Access to Higher Education Program, qualifying students may have their scholarship awards matched by the state.

To learn more about ways to support the community through philanthropy, visit and follow @cffayettepa on social media.

2023-2024 CFFC Scholarship List

Alfred E. and Anna B. Jones Scholarship
Nina D’Andrea
Benjamin Diamond
Haley Filcheck
Alyssa Grimm
Payton Hostetler
Lilianna Hug

Allen Craft Memorial Scholarship
Erica Rishel
Benjamin Wilson
Juliet Wontroba

Arthur and Millicent Gabriel Scholarship
Valentina Gulino
Malcolm Patton
Kylee Kurnot
Brooklyn Williams
Kaitlyn Adams
Jordan O’Brien
Bridget White

Betty Bayne Barnes Scholarship for Women
Brandy Sickles

Burchinal Family Endowment Education Awards
Bethany DuBois
Carly Grimm
Tyler Hawk
Heather Kisner
Elyse Knopsnider
Frank Kula
Jodi Lowery
Gabriel Ranker
Brandy Sickles
Alden Voss

Career and Technical Education Scholarship
Skye Tucker

Carl S. Micarelli Memorial Scholarship
Emmy Wingrove

CFFC Board of Directors Scholarship
Gabriel Kemp

Chris G. and Alice Omiros Scholars Fund
Tyler Hawk

Cupelli Family Scholarship
Carly Grimm

Darrell L. and Norma R. Uphold Family Scholarship
Abigail Wystepek

Deana Martorella Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth Eddy

Dr. Dennis F. Brestensky Scholarship
Riley Rankin

Dr. Paul Pipik Scholarship for Study in the Health Sciences
Alysse Teeter

Dr. William C. Thomas, Jr. Perseverance Scholarship
Karsyn Lucy

Edward T. Yezioro Memorial Scholarship
Nicholas Pecsko

George M. and Anna w. Hochheimer Scholarship
Alden Voss

Helen Hulvey Scheggia Nursing Scholarship
Mitchel Anderson
Sarah Maldovan

Henry J. Oppermann Scholarship
Dylan Brooks
Austin Molinaro

Hughes Family Scholarship
Chloe Deguia

Johnson Matthey Scholarship
Abigail Barnes
Jerry Jiang

Kathleen DiMarco Gulino Memorial Scholarship
Mia Pierce

Laurel Highlands Mustang Academic Scholarship
Sienna Dean
Mackenzie Nicklow

Legacy Scholarship Fund of Ernst Gottlieb Braun
Keegan Fonder

Lillian’s Legacy Scholarship
Emi Curcio
Paige Miller
Alysse Teeter

Lulu A. Dudley Scholarship
Valen Lilley
Jacqueline Maendel
Gianna Valenti

M. Frances and George J. Plava Educational Award
Jerry Jiang
Sydney Larew

Mary Jane Dailey Wood Scholarship
Parker Kern
Tanner Uphold
Jenna Voyten

Maurice M. Bortz and Bessie D. Rinehart Memorial Scholarship
Frank Kula

Melvin J. and Beatrice Vance Keller Memorial Scholarship
Josie Bittner

Michael S. Carbonara Memorial Scholarship
Bailey Lemansky

My Mother’s Legacy Scholarship
Nina D’Andrea

Nancy Flanegan McManus Nursing Scholarship
Abigail Wystepek

Nancy Vance Jones Scholarship
Trudy Diamond
Alysse Teeter
Jenna Voyten

Palmer F. Sabatine Scholarship
Livia Mehalovich

Parker A. Hess Memorial Scholarship
Charlotte Crouse
Zoey Thomas

Rita P. Peters Scholarship
Maximus Nassar

Robert and Marjorie Rager Scholarship
Audrey Morrison

Robert E. and Elouise R. Eberly Scholarship
Gracie Dally

Sam’s Symphony of Love Scholarship
Elizabeth Eddy

Sergeant Eric Hull Memorial Scholarship
Alyssa Grimm

Suzanne J. McMonagle Nursing Scholarship
Alysha Lessman

Tylar Andaloro Memorial Scholarship
Valentina Gulino
Mia Pierce

Uniontown College Club CFFC Scholarship
Claire White

Virginia Eberharter Scholarship
Autumn Ansell
Arley Wilson

Virginia Springer Memorial Scholarship
Julie Cooper
Benjamin Diamond
Bailey Edenfield
Haley Filcheck
Rebecca Mihalko
Grace Taylor
Kaleb Walls

Wolford Swimmer Memorial Scholarship
Grant Barcheck
Josie Bittner
James Brown
Jocelyn Gratchic
Olivia Hellen
Matthew Kaminsky
Claire Konieczny
Sydney Larew
Brandon Paroda
Brittney Roberts
Braylin Salisbury
Jenna Schnatterly
Laila Suarez
Serenity Swihart-Fullem
Lily Taylor

Zackery R. Nelson Memorial Scholarship
Allison Lowery


Charity Registration for Fayette Gives 2023

Fayette Gives LogoThe Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) is hosting the fourth annual Fayette Gives on Thursday, November 9, 2023 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Fayette Gives is a “day of giving” that aims to build a stronger Fayette by engaging the community in philanthropy to support local charities. This fundraising marathon helps charities raise money and promote their work in the community. Charities that wish to participate must register at starting June 1, 2023. The registration deadline is August 31, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

On Fayette Gives day (November 9), the public will be encouraged to make online donations to the participating charities through the website, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Charities can track their fundraising progress with leaderboards that display live results. Check donations will also be accepted, starting September 7.

As a special incentive, each Fayette Gives donation that is received at the CFFC office by 8 p.m. on November 9 will be boosted by a percentage of the bonus pool. This increases the impact of each generous gift.

Participating charities must be a 501(c)(3) organization, must file an annual 990 Form, and must serve Fayette County, PA. All money raised through Fayette Gives must be used to benefit Fayette County. Each charity must provide established services to the county and be in good standing as a public charity.

Charities must re-register each year. Charities will be notified by email when their registration is approved or if further information is needed to determine eligibility. CFFC will provide educational materials to help you run a successful fundraising campaign.

CFFC is accepting sponsorship for Fayette Gives 2023, to support this special opportunity for local charities. Download the sponsorship form here.

Please visit to learn more. Questions can be directed to Rebecca Wardle, Communications & Grantmaking Coordinator, at 724-437-8600 x203 or