by Community Foundation of Fayette County | Jun 18, 2020 | CFFC News, Grants
Request Disposable Masks through the CFFC’s Mask Initiative
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) is donating disposable 3-ply face masks to First Response Organizations, Healthcare Organizations, Human Service Agencies, Churches and other nonprofit organizations located in or serving the residents of Fayette, Greene, Washington and Westmoreland Counties, PA.
Please note: The CFFC has switched grant application software. Please use the update Request Form link on our website to create a logon for the new Foundant software. Please call 724-437-8600 x2 with any questions.
Mask Initiative News Releases:
The CFFC Receives a Grant from The Heinz Endowments to Support the Front Line Mask Initiative
The CFFC Receives a Grant from the Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation
by Community Foundation of Fayette County | May 7, 2020 | CFFC News, Grants, News Releases
The Heinz Endowments has awarded the CFFC a $30,000 grant to support the Front Line Mask Initiative. This grant will enable the CFFC to purchase and donate disposable 3-ply face masks to organizations in Fayette County, PA and other local counties faced with protecting themselves, their patients and the clients they serve from COVID-19. “We are excited and grateful to expand the impact of the initiative through this grant from The Heinz Endowments,” said Renee Couser, Executive Director of the CFFC.
To submit a request, please complete the Front Line Mask Initiative Request Form.
“The Heinz Endowments is devoted to the mission of helping our region prosper as a vibrant center of creativity, learning, and social, economic and environmental sustainability. Core to our work is the vision of a just community where all are included and where everyone who calls southwestern Pennsylvania home has a real and meaningful opportunity to thrive,” states The Heinz Endowments.
If you would like to donate to the Front Line Mask Initiative, tax-deductible gifts may be made online at Checks payable to “Community Foundation of Fayette County” may be mailed to 5 South Mt. Vernon Avenue, Uniontown, PA 15401. Please write “Front Line Mask Initiative” on the memo line.
The CFFC wishes everyone health and safety, and we extend our gratitude to those serving on the front lines of COVID-19.
by Community Foundation of Fayette County | May 6, 2020 | CFFC News, Grants
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) is donating disposable 3-ply face masks to Churches in Fayette County to be distributed to congregants attending services, church staff and volunteers.
Complete the request form for the Mask Initiative for Churches here.
by Community Foundation of Fayette County | Apr 17, 2020 | CFFC News, Grants, News Releases
The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) has created the Emergency Relief Fund to provide grants to health and human service organizations serving Fayette County, PA in response to local disasters and emergencies. Currently, the Emergency Relief Fund will respond to the needs related to the COVID-19 virus.
Emergency Relief Fund grant applications are now available.
Grants will be made to organizations classified as a 501(c)(3), 509(a)(1), 509(a)(2), 509(a)(3), or Unit of Government. Organizations must be located in Fayette County or provide services to Fayette County residents, and requests for funding must be due to the impact of the COVID-19 virus.
If you would like to donate to the Emergency Relief Fund, tax-deductible gifts may be made via the CFFC website at Checks payable to “Community Foundation of Fayette County” may be mailed to 5 South Mt. Vernon Avenue, Uniontown, PA 15401. Please write “Emergency Relief Fund” on the memo line. For other types of gifts, including IRA Charitable Transfers, please contact the CFFC at 724-437-8600.
by Community Foundation of Fayette County | Apr 2, 2020 | CFFC News, Grants
Read the CFFC’s latest Building A Stronger Fayette feature about Adelphoi Village’s Career Exploration Lab! The Building A Stronger Fayette series shines a light on nonprofit organizations that have received CFFC grants and are helping make a positive impact on the Fayette County community. Learn more about other organizations and projects that the CFFC has funded on our Building A Stronger Fayette webpage and make sure to like and follow us on social media @cffayettepa for continued updates.
by Community Foundation of Fayette County | Mar 17, 2020 | CFFC News, Grants, News Releases, Scholarships
March 17, 2020, Fayette County, Pa. — Like all of you, we here at CFFC sincerely hope this health emergency will pass swiftly and with minimal harm and disruption. To that end, we are following the advice of public health authorities and taking proactive steps to stymie the advancement of (and hopefully the arrival of) COVID-19 in our community. As the governor has stated: ‘Stay calm, stay safe, stay home’. For that reason, the CFFC is avoiding large group gatherings and minimizing in-person contact. We believe this is an important moment for our community to show concern, compassion, and prudence by avoiding measures that could put any one of us at risk.
Currently, the office is open, and staff is working in the office and remotely. We will be available by phone and by e-mail. However, no visitors will be permitted in the office. If you need to meet with someone, or drop something off, please call ahead to schedule an appointment.
The following activities have been cancelled:
- Donor Reception (March 25)
- The Executive Director Bootcamp (April 1, 8, 15 and 22)
Due to the closure of Fayette County School Districts, our scholarship deadline has been extended to April 3.
- For questions about scholarships, contact Lee O’Neil at or 724-437-8600 x202.
- For questions about your fund statement, contact Glenn Valdiserri at 724-437-8600 x201.
- For questions about Fayette Gives, go to, or contact Rebecca Wardle at 724-437-8600 x203.
- For questions about existing funds or to open a new fund, contact Renee Couser at or 724-437-8600 x1.
It is our mission to be here for our community: to help define charitable needs, connect donors with causes that matter to them, supports nonprofit organizations and invest charitable assets to make the community a better place to live.
We’ll be sharing news and informational updates on our Facebook page and at Thank you all for your commitment to our community and for your understanding as we work through this new challenge and find the best way forward.
And please do remember to wash your hands, practice social distancing, and above all, if you can stay home, please do so. It’s a simple but critical way we can look out for one another.