2019 Fall Grant Applications: Updated!

The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) and the Chevron Community
Fund are now accepting applications for the Fall 2019 Grant Cycle. The deadline to
apply for both the CFFC and the Chevron Community Fund grants is September 1st.

The CFFC’s Grantmaking Program gives priority to programs in the following areas:
Arts and Culture, Education, Economic Development and Health and Human
Services. Requests of up to $5,000 will be accepted. Non-profit organizations located
in Fayette County, or those that provide services to Fayette County, are welcome to
apply. In addition, grants from the following funds will be awarded for programs in
these specific areas: Jack and Diane Hughes Family Fund: education and
community gardens ($3,116); Mary and John J. Deprcrymski Memorial Fund:
transportation for the elderly ($654); and the Burchinal Family Endowment: medical
and health care for Fayette County residents ($13,829).

The Chevron Community Fund awards grants to non-profit organizations located in
or serving the residents of Fayette County, Greene County, or areas in and around
Hermine, Smithton, Sewickley Township, South Huntingdon Township and West
Newton located in Westmoreland County. Funding priorities include: STEM
Education, Workforce Development and Basic Human Needs. Other funding areas
may be considered. Requests of up to $10,000 will be considered.

The Idea Fund is accepting grant applications, with requests of up to $1,500, from
teachers at St. John the Evangelist Regional Catholic School, Geibel Catholic
Junior-Senior High School, Laurel Highlands School District, and Albert Gallatin
School District. These awards may be used to enhance traditional classroom
learning in any subject, to show creativity in teaching, and to expand the horizons of
the students. Funds may not be used for books, magazines, or field trips.
Applications are due September 30th.

The Arthur and Millicent Gabriel Legacy Fund is accepting grant applications from
schools in the Laurel Highlands School District and the Uniontown Area School
District. The application deadline is October 1st. Any teacher, school counselor, or
administrator is encouraged to apply for reusable items that will enhance the
classrooms. Minimum requests of $500 will be accepted, and a total of up to $20,000
may be awarded to the School Districts.

Visit the Grants page at www.cffayettepa.org for all applications.

Building a Stronger Fayette with Touchstone’s Educator Scholarships

The word “crafts” may bring to mind a childlike image of popsicle sticks, yarn, and glitter, but the “crafts” at Touchstone Center for Crafts refer to the skilled practices of making things by hand. The 150-acre woodsy campus has studios that house activities with ceramics, glasswork, painting and drawing, blacksmithing, and metals and jewelry. To support opportunities for local educators to attend workshops that teach them about the crafts and inspire new ideas for the classroom, the CFFC awarded Touchstone a grant for Fayette County Educators’ Retreat Scholarships.

Touchstone awarded ten scholarships with the CFFC grant. “We are hoping to build up this community of educators by helping them network, building their skills, and having them take it back to the community,” said Lindsay Gates, Executive Director. Read the full feature here!

Building a Stronger Fayette: Chestnut Ridge Counseling Services, Inc.

Chestnut Ridge Counseling Services, Inc. operates New Directions, a year-round K-12 program that provides education and mental health treatment to children and adolescents. When Chestnut Ridge Counseling Services, Inc. wanted to implement their Safety Initiative project, they applied for a CFFC grant in fall 2018 to support the safety, security, and health of clients, their families, and staff. Read the full feature here!

Fall Grant Applications Available!

The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) and the Chevron Community Fund are now accepting applications for the Fall 2019 Grant Cycle.

The CFFC’s Grantmaking Program gives priority to programs in the following areas: Arts and Culture, Education, Economic Development and Health and Human Services. Requests of up to $5,000 will be accepted. Non-profit organizations located in Fayette County, or those that provide services to Fayette County, are welcome to apply.

The Chevron Community Fund awards grants to non-profit organizations located in or serving the residents of: Fayette County, Greene County, or areas in and around Hermine, Smithton, Sewickley Township, South Huntingdon Township and West Newton located in Westmoreland County. Funding priorities include: STEM Education, Workforce Development and Basic Human Needs. Other funding areas may be considered. Requests of up to $10,000 will be considered.

Visit the Grants page on www.cffayettepa.org to apply. The deadline to apply for both the CFFC and the Chevron Community Fund grants is September 1, 2019 at midnight (end-of-day).