Become a Bonus Pool Sponsor!
Fayette Gives is a community-wide “day of giving” that the CFFC is hosting on November 12, 2020 at The Bonus Pool is an important aspect of Fayette Gives that will help build a stronger Fayette County.
What is the Fayette Gives Bonus Pool? The CFFC and a list of generous sponsors have donated money to the Bonus Pool, with a current total of $30,000. A prorated percentage of the Bonus Pool will add to each and every donation made during Fayette Gives. It will help incentivize donors and provide an extra boost for participating nonprofits by stretching each dollar.
How can you support the Bonus Pool? Help support ALL 30+ participating nonprofits by becoming a Bonus Pool Sponsor! Download the Fayette Gives Sponsorship Flyer and contact Renee Couser with questions at 724-437-8600 x1.