For Donors

Start a Fund

The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) helps donors create charitable funds based on donor interest, charitable purpose, and amount of contribution. A donor can create a permanent or non-permanent fund and select from the options of fund types. CFFC’s mission would not be possible without the generosity of individuals and businesses, so we thank our many donors.

If you are interested in creating a fund, please contact Renee M. Couser, Executive Director, at 724-437-8600 x1. CFFC is happy to help you reach your charitable giving goals.

How We Help

CFFC is a matchmaker for charitable giving. We learn about a donor’s passions and charitable giving goals, and match them with a personalized plan to make the most meaningful impact in the community. CFFC helps pair donors with nonprofits and programs that address the causes they hold near to their heart. Creating a fund may be your perfect match, and we are here to help.

Fund Advisor Portal

Already have a fund? You can access your Fund Advisor Portal here to make a grant or donation, check your fund balance, and more.

Take the Pledge!

PA Giving PledgeThe PA Giving Pledge is a statewide campaign to inspire Pennsylvanians to leave at least 5% of their estates to help future generations. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Community Foundation Association (PACFA), the PA Giving Pledge aims to tap into 5% of the estimated $418 billion transfer of wealth projected in PA by 20230, according to estimates by the Center for Rural Pennsylvania. Pledge to support Fayette County nonprofits and causes for years to come with an estate gift to CFFC.


Types of Funds

At the Community Foundation of Fayette County, donors have the option to create Permanent Funds and Non-Permanent Funds. For more details, please contact Renee M. Couser, Executive Director, at 724-437-8600 x1.

Unrestricted Funds

Your gift will address ever-changing needs – including future needs that often cannot be anticipated at the time your gift is made. We evaluate all aspects of community well-being: arts and culture, economic development, education, environment, health and human services, community revitalization and more. The flexibility of your unrestricted gift enables CFFC to respond to the community’s most pressing needs, today and tomorrow.

Donor advised funds

You have ongoing involvement in how your gift is used to support charitable causes. You recommend grants to qualified nonprofits. Your recommendations are submitted to our board for approval, then we distribute grant dollars. Donor advised funds are great for individuals, families and businesses.

Field of interest funds

You can target your gift to address needs in an important area of community life that’s most important to you: arts, the environment, youth or aging, etc. You identify your interest area when making your gift; our board awards grants to nonprofits that are making a difference in the area you select.

Donor Designated funds

You can direct your gift to a specific nonprofit organization. The fund provides a steady and reliable source of annual support.

Scholarship Funds

You can use your gift to help students achieve their education goals. You work with our staff to determine the criteria students must meet to receive the scholarship you establish. We handle applications and process scholarship awards.

CFFC Funds

Achievement in the Arts - Fayette County Cultural Trust/Rotary Fund
Alfred E. Jones, Jr. and Anna B. Jones Charitable Fund
Allen Craft Memorial Scholarship Fund
Angela Phillips Memorial Fund
Anonymous Fund
Arthur and Millicent Gabriel Legacy Fund
Arthur and Millicent Gabriel Scholarship Fund
Betty Bayne Barnes Scholarship Fund for Women
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Laurel Region Permanent Fund
Blaney Fund for the State Theatre Center for the Arts
Braun Family Charitable Endowment Fund
Bridgeport Cemetery Fund
Brownsville Free Public Library Permanent Fund
Bruning Fund for the Girl Scouts of Western PA
Building a Stronger Fayette Fund
Burchinal Family Endowment Fund
Burden Fund for East End United Community Center
Career and Technical Education Scholarship Fund
Carl S. Micarelli Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carroll Cemetery Fund
Casteel Family Advised Fund
CFFC Board of Directors Scholarship Fund
CFFC Grantmaking
Charitable Fund of Specialty Conduit and Manufacturing, LLC
Charity Fund
Charles H. Gorley Permanent Fund
Charmaine Sampson Memorial - CFFC Permanent Fund
Chris G. and Alice Omiros Scholars Fund
Christian Church of Connellsville Laugherty Fund
City Mission - Living Stones Permanent Agency Fund
CJCK Charitable Fund
COE Distributing Charitable Giving Fund
Community Action Fund
Community Beautification Fund
Connect to Classrooms Agency Fund
Cupelli Family Charitable Fund
Darrell L. & Norma R. Uphold Family Scholarship Fund
David Ballard Memorial Fund
Deana Martorella Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dowling Family Advised Fund
Dr. Denise M. Martin Educational Fund
Dr. Dennis F. Brestensky Scholarship Fund
Dr. Paul Pipik Fund for Study in the Health Sciences
Dr. William C. Thomas, Jr. Perseverance Scholarship Fund
Eberly Family Permanent Fund for Girl Scouting
Eberly Foundation
Eberly Marital Endowment
Educate Fayette Scholarship Fund
Educational Improvement Organization Programs
Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program - Scholarship For Pre-K
Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program - SO K-12 Program
Edward T. Yezioro Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ewing Family Giving Fund
Fayette County 4H and Youth Development Endowment Fund
Fayette County Charities Endowment
Fayette County Community Trust Endowment Fund
Fayette County Cultural Trust Fund
Fayette County Fair Fund
Fayette Emergency Medical Services Permanent Fund
Fayette Friends of Animals No-Kill Animal Shelter Fund
Fay-Penn Fund
Fay-Penn Workforce Development Fund
Flecker Family Foundation Fund
Franklin K. and Jean H. Smith Family Fund
Fueled for Good Fund
Fund for Mount Saint Macrina
George J. Plava Educational Fund
George M. & Anna W. Hochheimer Educational Fund
Girls Hope Fund in Memory of Shirley A. Gearing
GIVE Fayette County
Gnagey Huston Family Fund
Greater Uniontown Heritage Consortium Permanent Fund
Healthcare Workforce Development Fund
Helen Hulvey Scheggia Nursing Scholarship Fund
Helen V. & Julian Grubb Memorial Endowment Fund
Henry J. Oppermann Scholarship Permanent Fund
Herman M. Buck Community Service Award Fund
Highlands Hospital Endowment Fund
Hughes Family Scholarship
Idea Fund
Imagination Library Endowment Fund
Jack and Diane Hughes Family Fund
James and Tammer Gabriel Charitable Fund
James E. Tobal Education Fund
James Gabriel Family Foundation Fund
John and Bernadette Ptak Family Fund
John A. Fiesta Family Charitable Advised Fund
Johnson Matthey Community Fund
Johnson Matthey Scholarship Fund
Kathleen DiMarco Gulino Memorial Scholarship Fund
Keith and Marie Owens Memorial Fund
Kerr Family Charitable Endowment
Laurel Business Institute Scholarship Fund in Memory of Ruth and Milton Decker
Laurel Highlands Academic Foundation Fund
Laurel Highlands Music Education Fund
Laurel Highlands Mustang Academic Scholarship Fund
Lawrence and Helen Filiaggi Family Charitable Fund
Legacy Scholarship Fund of Ernst Gottlieb Braun
Levi Komarinski Memorial Fund
Lillian's Legacy Fund
Lulu A. Dudley Scholarship Fund
M. Frances and George J. Plava Scholarship Fund
Margaret E. Crawford - James Evans Finley Memorial Endowment Fund
Mary & John J. Depcrymski Memorial Fund
Mary D. Gabriel Fund
Mary Jane Dailey Wood Scholarship Fund
Mary T. Page Memorial Endowment
Matthew Ryan John Memorial Fund
Maurice M. Bortz & Bessie D. Rinehart Memorial Fund
McCune Foundation
Melva P. Roland Fund
Melvin J. and Beatrice Vance Keller Memorial Scholarship Fund
Michael and Mary Jane Wood Family Fund
Michael H. Prestia Educational Endowment Scholarship Fund
Michael S. Carbonara Memorial Educational Fund
My Mother's Legacy Fund
Nancy Flanegan McManus Nursing Scholarship
Nancy Vance Jones Scholarship Fund
Nathan Bacharach Memorial Fund
Nelson Foundation Fund
Oak Grove Cemetery of Fayette County Trust Fund
O'Neil Family Charitable Advised Permanent Fund
Orville and Ruth Eberly Workforce Development Fund
Paige Nagy Memorial Fund
Palmer F. Sabatine Scholarship Fund
Parker A. Hess Memorial Scholarship Fund
Patricia and Robert Metz Educational Fund
Patrick McIlvain Veteran Assistance Fund
Pleasant View Cemetery Permanent Fund
Procyk Family Fund
Ptak Family Fund
Queen Ester, Edward and Phyllis Thomas Memorial Fund for East End United Community Center for Arts Programming
Rendu Fund
Rev. Msgr. Edward J. McCullough Endowment for Financial Assistance to Geibel Catholic Junior-Senior High School
Richard H. Burkland Charitable Fund
Richard King Mellon Foundation
Rita P. Peters Scholarship Fund
Robert and Marjorie Rager Scholarship Endowment Fund
Robert and Patricia Metz Library Fund
Robert E. & Elouise R. Eberly Scholarship Endowment
Roger Gallet Foundation Fund
Samantha Anders Legacy Fund
Sam's Symphony of Love Scholarship
Sanders Family Fund
Sarah B. Schmelzlen Memorial Fund
Scott and Carol Whyel Advised Fund
Sergeant Eric Hull Memorial Fund
Springfield Township Volunteer Hose Company
St. Peter's Anglican Church Capital Advised Fund
St. Peter's Anglican Church Permanent Fund
St. Peter's Lutheran Church Permanent Fund
Stephen A. and Rita P. Peters Permanent Fund
Stephen and Helen Blazek Memorial Educational Endowment Fund of St. Peters Lutheran Church
Strawberry Patch Fund
Sturge Hughes Memorial Fund
Sunyecz Family Fund
Suzanne J. McMonagle Nursing Scholarship
Swimmer Family Advised Fund
T. S. Wright Fund for the Preservation of Bridgeport Cemetery
The Family Fund
The Maykuth Family Memorial Fund
Thelma L. Solomon Davis Charitable Fund
Thomas A. Waggoner, III Charitable Fund
Thompson Fund
Three Rivers Community Foundation Fund
Tolstoi Family Scholarship Fund
Touchstone Center for Crafts Endowment
Tree of Life Holy Society Cemetery Fund
Tylar Andaloro Advised Fund
Tylar Andaloro Memorial Endowment Fund
Tyler Charles Swenglish Memorial Fund
Uniontown Area Community Charities Fund
Uniontown City Police K-9 Fund
Uniontown College Club
Uniontown Legacy Endowment Fund
Uniontown Public Library - Eberly Endowment Fund
Uniontown Public Library Permanent Fund
Uniontown Public Library Permanent Fund by Harry Esbenshade Family
Uniontown Rotary Club Educational Fund
United Way of South Fayette Permanent Fund
Virginia Eberharter Scholarship Fund
Virginia Springer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Westmoreland Fayette Council Boy Scouts of America Permanent Fund
William E. Browning Fund
Wolford Swimmer Memorial Scholarship Endowment
YMCA Permanent Fund
Zackery R. Nelson Memorial Scholarship Fund