For EQT Landowners
In a new and unique collaboration, EQT has created a GIVE campaign in partnership with the Community Foundation of Fayette County and EQT leaseholders. The “GIVE Fayette County” campaign fosters the act of philanthropy and lasting impacts for Fayette County communities.
GIVE Fayette County
The EQT GIVE Campaigns are established strategically with Community Foundations throughout the company’s footprint. The intent of these campaigns is to connect EQT landowners with local organizations and maximize the generous gifts they are already making. The EQT Foundation will contribute $25,000 annually to the GIVE Fayette County campaign, as well as match landowner contributions to the campaign up to $10,000 per lease agreement for the first year of participation. For donations to qualify, they must be more than $100 in aggregate. The Community Foundation of Fayette County will be responsible for additional fundraising and maintenance of the funds.
The hope is for the endowed funds to grow to allow for continual financial support for nonprofits, schools, municipalities and the like, for years to come.
Making a Difference
The Community Foundation of Fayette County will use all GIVE Fayette County campaign donations for grantmaking to Fayette County nonprofits, helping to address the ever-changing needs of the community.
Contributions will support the foundation’s Building a Stronger Fayette Fund, which was created in 2020 as an endowment to ensure that our general grantmaking program would continue in perpetuity.
The GIVE Fayette County campaign will bolster the Building a Stronger Fayette Fund, and all funds will be used to support Fayette County for today, tomorrow, and forever.

How to Participate
Enroll Today!
More details can be found at
To learn more or participate, please contact Ellen Rossi, EQT Foundation President, at
How to Give
- Make a flat donation via personal check, stock transfer, or credit card directly to the GIVE Fayette County campaign. Checks should be made payable to CFFC with “GIVE Fayette County” on the memo line. Click here to donate online.
- Allow EQT Production Company and/or its affiliates (EQT) to withhold a certain amount or percentage of your monthly royalties (e.g., 1%) to be donated on your behalf to the GIVE Fayette County campaign. EQT will withhold such amounts, provide you with proper documentation, and, on a monthly basis, transfer such withheld amounts to the GIVE Fayette County campaign.
Contact Us
Community Foundation of Fayette County
5 South Mt. Vernon Avenue
Uniontown, PA 15401
Phone: 724-437-8600
Fax: 724-438-3856