For Professional Advisors
The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) can assist you and your clients in structuring gifts that maximize tax savings, while establishing an enduring community legacy. We add our expertise to yours to ensure that your clients make educated decisions while selecting from a full spectrum of options.
CFFC is accredited with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations, which indicates that we meet the most rigorous standards in philanthropy. We have policies and practices in place for financial stability and longevity, and we strive to honor our commitments for all gifts.
Please contact Renee M. Couser, Executive Director, at 724-437-8600 x1 to learn more about how we can work together to help your clients reach their charitable giving goals.
We encourage you to reference the Resources section of this page for flyers on topics that may interest you and your clients.
CFFC Can Help Your Clients Who…
- Express interest in charitable giving
- Are working on their estate plan
- Are looking for year-end donations giving
- Have substantial IRA/401(k) assets
- Want an alternative to managing a private foundation
Contact Us
Community Foundation of Fayette County
5 South Mt. Vernon Avenue
Uniontown, PA 15401
Phone: 724-437-8600
Fax: 724-438-3856