Community Foundation
of Fayette County


Our mission is to build a stronger Fayette County by inspiring charitable giving, supporting nonprofits, and nurturing positive community impact.


The Community Foundation of Fayette County helps define charitable needs, connects donors with causes that matter to them, supports nonprofit organizations, and invests charitable assets to make the community a better place to live.

CFFC News:

CFFC Creates a Strategic Plan

This year, the Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) is celebrating its 25th anniversary. To help reflect on CFFC’s role in the community and set focus on the desired impact for the future, the foundation has created a Strategic Plan for 2024-2027. Throughout...

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Applications for Pre-K and K-12 Tuition Assistance

The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) is accepting applications for Pre-K and K-12 tuition assistance for Fayette County students attending private schools. Applications are available at the participating schools and families must submit the application to...

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Fayette Gives Charity Training on June 12

Have you heard the phrase "give where you live"? That's what Fayette Gives is all about! Fayette Gives is a 12-hour fundraising marathon, hosted by the Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC), that is all about the phrase “give where you live.” This year’s...

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Celebrating CFFC’s 25th Anniversary

The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) was founded on November 15, 1999... making this year our 25th anniversary year!   Founding Community Members: John Buchanon; Charles Cluss; Lee Frankhouse; Albert Skomra; Lynda Waggoner; Robert Eberly Sr. Founding...

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Partners in Improving Fayette County

Building a Stronger Fayette

Book Vending Machine at Hatfield Elementary

Book Vending Machine at Hatfield Elementary

  The Community Foundation of Fayette County's Arthur and Millicent Gabriel Legacy Fund awarded a grant to Hatfield Elementary School for a book vending machine. CFFC was happy to join students, faculty, and PTO members at the ribbon cutting on March 10, 2023....

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EIO Grant Supports STEM and Computer Science

EIO Grant Supports STEM and Computer Science

  Students in the Brownsville Area, Laurel Highlands, and Uniontown Area School Districts benefited from a $12,000 grant for the STEM and Computer Science Initiative. The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) partners with Penn State Extension’s Fayette...

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The Salvation Army’s Household & Hygiene Pantry

The Salvation Army’s Household & Hygiene Pantry

  Do your canned food items at home have pull tabs that can be opened by hand, or do they require a can opener? You may not notice this feature when purchasing a can of soup at the grocery store, but the opening mechanism can be a hurdle for certain populations...

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