The Community Foundation of Fayette County (CFFC) has created the Emergency Relief Fund to provide grants to health and human service organizations serving Fayette County, PA in response to local disasters and emergencies.
Grants will be made from the Emergency Relief Fund to human service organizations and other nonprofits to address immediate needs, short-term needs and long-term needs of the community. Currently, the Emergency Relief Fund will respond to the needs related to the COVID-19 virus.
“The CFFC has created the Emergency Relief Fund in an effort to assist local organizations that provide services to the community during times of their greatest need. The current pandemic has various effects on Fayette County and its residents, and people are looking for ways to help,” said the CFFC Executive Director, Renee M. Couser.
Tax-deductible gifts to the Emergency Relief Fund may be made via the CFFC website at (through the Network for Good and the PayPal Giving Fund “Donate Now” buttons). Checks payable to “Community Foundation of Fayette County” may be mailed to 5 South Mt. Vernon Avenue, Uniontown, PA 15401. Please write “Emergency Relief Fund” on the memo line. For other types of gifts, including IRA Charitable Transfers, please contact the CFFC at 724-437-8600.